Social Purpose Leadership in Organisations
Leadership is about people. We are complex enough as individuals, with our idiosyncrasies, inclinations and biases, let alone emotions and thought patterns, motivations and aspirations. So is it any wonder that when we band together in an organisation it's hard to corral us toward cohesive action. There is of course, no magic formula to effective leadership, but there is plenty of wisdom we can tap into, and tools we can use to help us help others to be their best at work.​
And then for some of us, the work we do and the leadership roles we play, are more than just a job. We are committed to using our professional competencies to help make the world better in some way. But we are living through a period when the institutions that have supported a healthy economy and society, and the thinking that formed them, appear to be unravelling around us. What does this ask of us as leaders? Do we continue doing what we've always done?
Group size of 6-8
Books: Patrick Lencioni's The Advantage, and Margaret Wheatley's Restoring Sanity
​We'll meet from 4pm (including dinner) for: ​
Introductions and story telling (Wed 19th Feb)​
Retreat (Tues 18th March - Friday 21st March)
leading yourself (personality preferences, wellbeing and practices)
leading people part 1 (trust pyramid, engagement continuum, clarity questions)
leading people part 2 (facilitation)
the nature of organisations (teal organisations, vocational communities)
social purpose leadership in these times
Leadership Case Clinic 1 (Wed 7th May)
Leadership Case Clinic 2 (Wed 4th June)
Leadership Case Clinic 3 (Wed 2nd July)
Leadership Case Clinic 4 (Wed 6th Aug)
Review and Next Steps (Wed 3rd Sept)​
All sessions will be hosted at The Pines (Barwon Heads)​
Cost: $6000 includes the books, the sessions through the year (including venue and catering).
$1000 deposit to secure your spot
Balance due 1st Feb 2025
A small number of subsidised (1/2 price) spots are available for participants who don't have an organisation to fund the Program. If you are interested, please reach out.
Expression of interest
If you are interested to find out more or register, send me an email.